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Some Little Tips When Giving A Comb As A Gift

Views: 93     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-23      Origin: Site

In ancient times, combs were one of people's personal items, and they would not be given away randomly. Nowadays, many people don't understand the meaning of combs and some taboos of sending combs, and just give them when they think they look good. But sometimes the sender is unintentional, the receiver intentionally, and the two parties understand the meaning of the deviation, which will inevitably cause a lot of trouble. This article is here to give you a simple science popularization, hope it will help you.

wooden comb

1.Remember not to send a broken comb

It is very rude to give someone a broken comb. First, the broken comb cannot be used again, and secondly, breaking the comb also means interrupting the luck of others. People who receive gifts will definitely not use broken combs, because most of the combs are not very big, and they must become smaller after they are broken, and it is inconvenient to hold them in their hands when using them; the second reason is that there is a cross section on the broken comb. The sharp edges and corners on the cross section can easily scratch the scalp or the skin on the hands, or entangle the hair to cause the hair to break, so we can no longer use it. 

2.Try not to send the stranger a comb

Combs can also be regarded as a gift that expresses the meaning of intimacy, and the meaning is mostly related to love, so it should not be given to unfamiliar people casually. Especially for girls, if you choose to give a wooden comb to a girl, you must tell her clearly what this comb means. Is it an expression of love or a simple blessing, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the comb cannot be sent to the wrong person.

3.Japanese people may not like combs as gifts

In Japan, it is absolutely essential to give combs as gifts to friends or partners. As for why we have to say this, we have to mention the inauspicious (縁起が悪い) number in the eyes of the Japanese. The number 4 in Japanese pronunciation, in addition to the pronunciation of よん, there is also the pronunciation of し. The pronunciation of "4" (し) and "死" (し) are similar. Therefore, in Japan, hotel room numbers, floor numbers, banquet table numbers, license plate numbers, hospital room numbers, etc., should be avoided as much as possible. "42" is pronounced "死に (しに)" which is the verb form of death, which is double inauspicious and this number is most hated by the Japanese. Coincidentally, the Japanese expression for comb is 栉 (くし), which is a combination of "bitter" and "death". If you send a comb to your Japanese friend, even though it is kind, it will do bad things. In your eyes it is a blessing, but in the eyes of the Japanese, you may have bad intentions, life is already so hard, and you still hope that they will "difficult and die."

The above three small tips hope to help you understand the comb better. Don't give the comb as a gift to others casually. 


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